Sales closing
Monday at 12:00
1 11:12:58
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AutoDeal — car auction is the most simple and advantageous process for dealers to buy ex-lease vehicles:

  • Free registration and participation.
  • Transparent pricing.
  • Low commission: only 100 € + 1% of the purchase price.
  • Delivery to the buyer`s home.
  • More than 5,000 cars every week.

How to buy a car on Autodeal

To see the full information about lot and bid in the auction you need to sign in or register

AutoDeal — car auction is the most simple and advantageous process for dealers to buy ex-lease vehicles:

  • Free registration and participation.
  • Transparent pricing.
  • Low commission: only 100 € + 1% of the purchase price.
  • Delivery to the buyer`s home.
  • More than 5,000 cars every week.

How to buy a car on Autodeal

Auction 63121
Lot 21897245
First registration
  • 01-04-2019
  • 32_help2
178 114 km
Fuel type
Manual (6 transmission)
Origin country
Make, model
Renault Trafic
RENAULT VU 4p Fourgon FG GCF L1H1 1000 Energy dCi 125 E6
Engine power
91 kW, 124 hp
CO² emission
Body type


  • Sliding door right-side

Maintenance record

Date Mileage
01-11-2024 176582 km Disques de freins AR/Filtre à carburant/Liquide de refroidissement/Révision
01-04-2024 154907 km Révision
01-03-2024 152831 km Contrôle antipollution accepté
01-02-2024 150692 km Vanne EGR
01-01-2024 148542 km Alternateur/Courroie d'accessoires/Essai/Lecture mémoire/Poulie d'alternateur/Poulie damper/réinitialisation
01-07-2023 132600 km Disques de freins AV/Liquide de frein/Révision
01-03-2023 121932 km Controle technique autorise
01-03-2023 120584 km Divers pneumatique/Essai/Faisceau/Lecture mémoire/Vanne EGR/réinitialisation
01-11-2022 108705 km Carter de distribution/Courroie d'accessoires/Essai/Huile boite de vitesse/Joint (divers)/Liquide de refroidissement/Moteur/Purge du circuit de refroidissement/Révision
01-03-2022 86791 km ADBLUE/Balais d'essuie-glace AV/Disques de freins AR/Disques de freins AV/Filtre à carburant/Révision
01-07-2021 64551 km Révision
01-11-2020 40587 km Balais d'essuie-glace AV/Révision
01-02-2020 21382 km ADBLUE/Filtre à pollen/Révision